
What our clients say about us...

…[Bardwell Consulting] is able to read the law and to apply

legal findings to technical issues . . .[with] the ability to

convey complicated theories in understandable terms.

-- John Culver, Benezra & Culver LLC


…[Dr. Bardwell] is bright and capable of absorbing,

digesting, understanding, interpreting, and presenting data

in clear and direct language.

-- Todd McNamara, Esq., McNamara & Martínez LLC


…[Dr. Bardwell] is thorough and comprehensive in his

analytic approach. . . . [They] has the ability to look at issues

from all sides, and question basic assumptions.

-- Ralph Johnson, Minerals Management Service, Department of Interior


…[Bardwell Consulting] explained the data in clear, nontechnical

language to the lawyers, the plaintiff, and, finally,

the judge.

-- Gale Miller, Davis Graham & Stubbs LLP


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